Land-Based Program (Nutshimit)
Why a Land-Based Program (Nutshimit)?
- Research shows culture is healing
- Traditional culture such as hunting connects spiritual beliefs, values, family and community
- Culture nurtures self-esteem, and a sense of identity
- Keeps self-destructive feelings away
What the Land-Based Program (Nutshimit) does:
- Draws on Innu, Inuit and First Nations natural healing and connection with the land and sea
- Provides a safe, caring and comfortable environment to heal
- Teaches responsibility, traditional values and beliefs
- Teaches self-sufficiency and survival skills
- Explores opportunities to live well as an Aboriginal person
- Calms families, especially anxious children like those with ADHD
- Nurtures a sense of belonging and purpose in life
Skills learned in the Land-Based Program (Nutshimit):
- Hunting and fishing
- Canoeing and snowmobiling
- Hiking and snowshoeing
- Berry-picking
- Preparing traditional and healthy foods
- Pitching a tent
- Traditional crafts
- Building a lean-to
The Land-Based Program (Nutshimit) also includes:
- Storytelling and sharing circles
- Spiritual rituals such as sweats and Kudlik lighting
- Families sharing their own cultures
- Learning respect for the land, animals, fish, birds and plants